Results for "United States"
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Dr. Rudrappa's interests include reproductive justice, comparative race/ ethnicity, gender, feminist theory, and labor. Her most recent monograph is Discounted Life: The Price of Global Surrogacy in India (NYU Press…
Renaissance literature; bibliographical and textual studies; poetry and poetics; computers and English; 18th century British literature; John Milton; global classrooms
Higher education policy issues; Educational benefits of racial/ethnic diversity; Desegregation issues; Access, transition, and retention issues for underrepresented college students; Policy impacts of affirmative…
Science Education
Scientific Argumentation
Scientific Practices
Student Learning
Selection and design of biodiversity reserves and other conservation areas; mathematical ecology; disease ecology and epidemiology; history and philosophy of science; environmental ethics, Kant
The following are the areas of my interest in research.
1. Environmental sustainability in improving water use through rainwater collection systems, modular aeroponics, and vertical farming.
Religion in the United States | American evangelicalism | religion and food | religion and secularism | religion and popular culture | religion and social justice |