Results for "United States"
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Professor Stoff research interests include American political culture, presidential history, the New Deal, the Second World War, international relations, the atomic bomb and photography, particularly during war. He…
I am interested in Native American and Indigenous Studies; cultural anthropology; feminist anthropology; historical anthropology; Museum Studies; culture and health; cultural identities and differences; the politics…
Disciplines and Fields: Cultural Anthropology, Native American Studies, American Studies, Italian and Italian American Studies Topics: Race, Sovereignty and Citizenship, Settler Colonialism, Race, Nationalism and…
Aquatic biology with an emphasis on systematics and ecology of diatoms, especially diatom evolution in the context of environmental change. Research goals are 1) to understand evolution of protists (eukaryotic…
Caregiving, Millennial Caregivers, Well-Being, Employment, Financial Hardship, Health Disparities
Dr. Tierney’s research focuses on improving health care delivery and its outcomes through developing and implementing electronic health record systems (EHRs) in hospital and outpatient venues in Indiana and in East…
Autism, ADHD, Language Development, Health and Educational Disparities, Families, Bilingualism, Child Development
ethnoarchaeology; ethnohistory/historical anthropology; Native American prehistory and history; dynamics of culture change; power; ethnicity; gender; ceramic technology; Texas, Northern Mexico; Plains. Europe; Iberia…