Results for "United States"
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Social anthropology; ethnicity, critical race theory, legal anthropology, history and oral traditions, US/Mexican culture; Latin America; Mexico
- Global Health
- Academic Global Health Partnerships
- Health Systems Strengthening
- Implementation Science
- Population Health
- Social Determinants of Health
- Health interventions,…
My primary discipline is neuroscience, and my major areas of technical expertise are in molecular pharmacology, molecular biology, and animal behavior. My laboratory studies pain and addiction-related behaviors…
History of the Left/Radical Cultures; Children's Literature; Women's History; History of Childhood; Russian Studies; US and Russia; Life Writing
Poetry and poetics; queer and feminist studies; women's and LGBTQ+ literature; history of sexuality; history of feminisms; eighteenth century and Romantic literatures.
Dhiraj Murthy's research explores social media, digital research methods, race/ethnicity, qualitative/mixed methods, big data quantitative analysis, and virtual organizations. His work also uniquely explores the…
Dr. Musick's interests include medical sociology - social factors and health; religion and health; sociology of aging and the life course; and social psychology. Dr. Musick’s most recent work has revolved around…
American Politics American Presidency Urban Politics