Results for "United States"
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Rhetorical theory and criticism, democracy, sport culture, political mythology, public memory
Dr. Carleton is the Executive Director of the Center for American History. His focus is on 20th century U.S. political and news media history as well as Texas history.
African-American/American expressive cultures; Popular Music; Jazz; Hip-Hop; Media; Race & Place; tourism; and Music and culture.
Kate Catterall is a designer and educator who was graduated from the Glasgow School of Art in Scotland with a terminal degree in transdisciplinary design. She is currently a design researcher and practitioner in…
Test equity for diverse populations
Accessible school and workplaces
Transition for deaf students
Evidence-based practices in systems change
Drama-based instructional strategies
African Diaspora Art
Professor Champagne's research explores the epigenetic impact of early life experiences and the pathways through which experiences in one generation come to influence the brain and behavior of subsequent generations…
Healthcare, Optimization, Machine Learning, Outcomes Research, Predictive Analytics