Results for "American Studies"
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Transnational, feminist and queer methodologies; women of color feminisms; Southeast Asian American Studies; critical refugee studies; memory and historical violence; war, militarism, and empire
American Studies, Latino Studies, Art History / Visual Culture, Urban Studies, and Ethnic Studies; the interconnectivity of art, politics, place, and public policy; Latina/o cultural production, including art, music…
U.S. cultural and social history; popular culture; social thought; animal studies; women’s and gender history; U.S. social movements; modern South Asia.
Davis serves as a regular consultant for museum…
Social welfare policy, substance use
Latino/a literature, especially Chicano/a literature; late nineteenth-century US literature and culture; narrative theory; postcolonial theory; cultural studies.
Modern U.S. History; History of Women, Gender and Sexuality; LGBT/Queer Studies; Marriage and the Family; Popular Culture; Public History; Oral History; Digital Humanities
Professor Hoelscher’s research interests include: North American and European urbanism; social constructions of space and place, landscape and region; ethnicity and race; cultural memory; the geography of tourism;…
Professor Hunt's research focuses on the relationship between technology and physics in the 19th century, and particularly on the interaction between theory and practice in the Victorian telegraph industry. He is…