Results for "Electrical and Computer Engineering"
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My main research interests are software engineering and formal methods with focus on improving software quality via software testing and software model checking.
Transition-metal compounds, Lithium ion batteries, Fuel cells, Oxygen-permeation membranes, Electrical energy storage and conversion
MEMS, Acoustics, Sensors, and Transducers
Power Semiconductor Devices; Advanced Power Electronics; Renewable Energy Integration; and Smart Grid; Power Management Integrated Circuits.
I supervise a large research group (20+ Ph.D. students) conducting…
Professor Hunt's research involves the use of formal mathematics to write specifications for computer hardware and software and to use proof techniques to determine the validity of such specifications. Specifications…
Magnetic Memory
Dr. John's current research interests include high performance processors, high performance memory systems and caches, low-power design, hardware architectures for machine learning, , performance evaluation, workload…
-Software engineering, specifically for mobile computing
-Software engineering for ad hoc mobile networks
-Development of algorithms for mobile computing
-Middleware for simplifying the software…