Results for "Electrical and Computer Engineering"
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-Special purpose processors
-Computer arithmetic
-Systolic arrays
-Computer architecture
-Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata (QCA)
-Memristor Circuits
My research focuses on the computational perception of human signals (e.g., behavioral, emotional, physiological) while leveraging ubiquitous and wearable sensing. A core area of interest is studying systems and…
Computer Architecture & Embedded Processors
Computer Engineering
Dr. Touba's research interests are in VLSI testing, On-line test, and fault-tolerant computing. In particular, his research has focused on developing new techniques for test data compression, built-in self-test…
Electricity grid operations, integration of renewable and/or flexible generation onto the grid, vehicle technology trends, vehicle powertrain electrification, integration of electric vehicles with the electricity…
Semiconductor materials and devices, Electronic properties of quantum confined systems, Chemical vapor deposition, Graphene, Nanowires, Transition metal dichalcogenides
Dr. Valvano's research interests are in the areas of biomedical instrumentation and bioheat transfer.
Dr. Vikalo's research interests include signal processing, machine learning, communications and bioinformatics.