Results for "English"
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Professor Hedrick is an intellectual historian with research interests in 20th-century feminist theory as well as science and economics of the English 18th century. She has additional teaching and research interests…
Representation of women in law and literature in both contemporary and historical contexts
British Romanticism 1750-1850; poetry and poetics; performance theory; creative writing - poetry; archives and collecting; modernism and cultural economics
International Medieval cultures, literatures, and histories; Medieval romance; Medieval English literature; the Crusades; Chaucer; Arthurian literature; feminist, race, and cultural theories
The relation of linguistics to literary criticism; ordinary language philosophy; narrative theory; language and gender
Sociolinguistics, Linguistic Anthropology, Corpus Linguistics, Pidgins and Creoles, Computer-Mediated Communication.
Nineteenth-century British literature, Victorian anthropology and sexology, Darwin and social Darwinism, history of the Church Missionary Society, feminism in imperialism, colonial discourse studies, anglophone…
20th- and 21st-century Anglophone fiction (US focus); environmental literature and criticism; science, technology, and culture; the medical humanities; affect studies; description in narrative and new media;…