Results for "Geography / Environment"
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GIScience, (Geo)Spatial Data Science, GeoAI, Cartography, Urban Computing, Social Sensing
My research mainly focuses on Human-centered Geospatial Data Science to understand human experience at place …
Weather forecasting, broadcast meteorology, aviation meteorology as well as atmospheric hazards (severe and unusual weather)
Gregory Knapp retired in 2021, but continues to perform research on agricultural landscapes in the equatorial Andes. He is available to provide ongoing advice to students who have taken courses with him in the past (…
Environmental justice, carceral geographies and abolition, militarization, racial capitalism, Asian American Studies, and the Indigenous Pacific
Miller's general research interests lie in the confluence of GIScience, integration of GIS and remote sensing, and environmental/ecological modeling. Her specific research focus is in the application area of…
Critical Urban Studies in East Asia; Coloniality and Decolonization; Development and Social Movement; Media, Tourism and Place; Korean Popular Culture
History of Science Environmental History US and Caribbean 19th and 20th century American science Transnational connections of science in the US with Latin American and European science
Hydrogeomorphology Understanding the linkages between geomorphic processes and biogeochemical cycles.