Results for "Mechanical Engineering"
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Electricity grid operations, integration of renewable and/or flexible generation onto the grid, vehicle technology trends, vehicle powertrain electrification, integration of electric vehicles with the electricity…
micro-/nano- scale heat transport, ultrafast optics, 2D materials, thermoelectrics
Jamie Warner is a professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering. His research develops new ways for in-situ imaging in TEM with ultra-high spatial resolution, leading to foundation studies of defects, dopants…
-Energy policy -Alternative and renewable energy Dr. Webber has led research projects for policy issues relevant to energy, innovation and national security.
-Underwater Acoustics
-Physical Acoustics
-Novel Experimental Techniques and -Transduction
-Acoustic Propagation and Scattering in Multiphase Media
mechatronics, robotics, dynamic systems and controls, precision instruments, nanotechnology, physical/computational intelligence, industrial automation, digital twin, medical devices, atomic force microscopy,…
Dr. Yu's research has been broadly centered on creative design and synthesis of functional nanomaterials, fundamental understanding of their chemical and physical properties, and development of large-scale assembly…