Results for "Physics"
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Condensed matter theory, electronic properties of semiconductors and metals, spintroics, magnetism, superconductivity, quantum Hall effect, solid state quantum computing; van der Waals heterojunctions
- Nanotechnology
- Amorphous Materials
- Materials for Extreme Environments
The overarching goal of our multidisciplinary research is to develop a physically-based understanding of the…
Theoretical investigations of pattern formation, nonlinear dynamics, especially the dynamics of fracture, phase transitions. Hydrofracturing, oil and gas production decline curves. Education reform and equity
Experimental condensed matter physics research with emphasis on superconductivity and magnetism; high-temperature superconductivity; low-temperature physics; synthesis; pulsed laser ablation; thin films; high…
General relativity and cosmology, gravitational radiation, kinetic theory, black hole physics, gravitational radiation. Former Lead PI on the Binary Black Hole Grand Challenge Project.
asteroseismology/determination of internal structure (e.g., chemical profiles, crystallization, convection) of stars; laboratory astrophysics of measurements of line profiles and opacities; cooling theory/age dating…