Results for "Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences"
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Almeida’s neuroimaging research focuses on the use of functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) to investigate biomarkers of mood disorders, especially bipolar disorder, using standard neuroimaging data analysis…
Application and evaluation of quantitative meta-analytic techniques (particularly, meta-analytic structural equation modeling and single-case research designs' synthesis). Quantitative meta-analysis is used in social…
The overarching goal of our research is to understand the neurocircuitry that confers risk for psychopathology following traumatic event exposure. Existing neurocircuitry models of PTSD and trauma exposure mainly…
Dr. Claborn is the Director for the Addictions Research Institute at The University of Texas at Austin. She is currently the Principal Investigator of several federally-funded studies through NIDA and SAMHSA and is…
Working memory, cognitive control, episodic memory, functional neuroimaging
The first of my two areas of research focus is reproductive psychiatry with a particular emphasis on the course and neurobiology of psychiatric illness and substance use disorders during pregnancy and the postpartum…
Much of human mental capacity is driven by our ability to monitor and then control our behavior. We examine disruption to control systems in normal individuals and patients with mental and neurological disorders.…