Results for "Special Education"
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Dr. Falcomata’s research emphasis is in the area of applied behavior analysis and the application of ABA technologies in the home and school. His research focuses primarily on the assessment and treatment of severe…
Dr. Fragale’s clinical and research interests include the use of antecedent methods in the functional assessment and treatment of challenging behaviors exhibited by individuals with disabilities and the use of video…
Lauren H. Hampton is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Special Education and is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA). Dr. Hampton's research focuses on optimizing parent-mediated early interventions…
autism and developmental disability; assessment and treatment of severe behavior disorders; developing and evaluating assistive technology for individuals with profound multiple disabilities; social skills…
- international special education
- inclusion
- differentiating instruction
- transition from high school to life after high school for individuals with special needs
- …
Peng is especially interested in embedding high-level cognitive skills training into academic instructions for children with severe learning difficulties who do not respond to evidence-based academic instructions.…
Mathematics learning difficulties
Word-problem solving
Understanding mathematics symbols
Peer tutoring
Career development for people with disabilities; psychological and vocational assessment; quantitative and qualitative research methodologies