Results for "Statistics and Scientific Computation"
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Applied and Computational Analysis, Mathematical and Statistical Physics, non-linear Kinetic and Partial Differential Equations.
Data mining; Web mining: analysis of web network structure, content, and usage; Adaptive multi-learner systems; Intelligent data analysis; Machine learning; Pattern recognition
Performance reliability and risk management for geotechnical and geoenvironmental systems; waste containment; site remediation; slope stability; offshore foundations
Area of Expertise: Geotechnical Engineering…
The primary focus of the Henkelman group is the development of simulation methodology to study kinetic processes at the atomic scale. We are interested in surface growth, diffusion in solids, and reactions at…
The study of evolution of biotic diversity is the focus of Professor Hillis' research. Most of his research concerns use of molecular genetic techniques to study relationships among populations, species, and…
Dr. Jessee's primary areas of study are American politics and statistical methodology. Substantively, he is interested in elections, public opinion, Congress and the courts. His methodological interests include…
Social services and criminal justice; Sentencing, corrections and program and policy evaluation; Demography and racial conflict and violence; Research methodology and statistics
Research in this laboratory involves evolutionary biology using mathematical models of evolution. One area of particular interest is sexual selection and the understanding of how the elaborate male mating displays…