Results for "Freshmen"
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Delivery of Gene Editing Therapeutics
Controlled Release Pulmonary Drug Delivery
Dry Powder and Metered Dose Inhaler Formulation and Device Design
Nanoparticle Transport Through Mucus and Bacterial…
war and violence, psychological trauma, health and human rights and humanitarian law, the effect of the built environment on health and well-being, medical humanities, medical ethics, the doctor-patient relationship…
Professor Stoff research interests include American political culture, presidential history, the New Deal, the Second World War, international relations, the atomic bomb and photography, particularly during war. He…
Professor Stone's research aims to enable multiple intelligent agents to learn to act both individually and in coordination with one another towards individual and/or common goals in real-time, noisy, collaborative…
For 25+ years, Dr. Swanson has served the field of education as a special education teacher, college instructor, researcher, public speaker, and writer. Swanson's consistent focus has been on improving educational…
Application of signal processing, machine learning, and computation to medical imaging. In particular, I focus on developing new algorithms for magnetic resonance imaging, and translating them into clinical practice…
My research focuses on the computational perception of human signals (e.g., behavioral, emotional, physiological) while leveraging ubiquitous and wearable sensing. A core area of interest is studying systems and…
Research interests in my laboratory focus on translational chemical biology using an innovative metabolomics-based systems biology approach for metabolic biomarker discovery. My laboratory combines i) high-throughput…