Results for "Medical students"
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Medical education, parenting, early relational health
My research group emphasizes translational cancer research to develop new therapies for several tumor types. Our work is focused on understanding cellular heterogeneity in cancers, and we have identified cells…
Health systems research, quality improvement, and implementation science, policy development, survey design, advocacy, health system transformation, data visualization platforms, data registries
Jeffrey (Jeff) Shahidullah, PhD, ABPP is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences within Dell Medical School at the University of Texas at Austin.
Dr. Shahidullah's…
Cancer prevention and early detection; colorectal cancer screening, breast cancer screening, community based interventions; health disparities
Philosophy; psychoanalysis/psychotherapy; medical humanities; post-war American culture, the history of psychoanalytic thought; masochism; shame; psychosis; mysticism; Daniel Paul Schreber; Opicinus de Canistris;…
My research involves the use of medical imaging to better understand diabetes and cancer. I having ongoing studies involving MRI of human study participants and analysis of these images. I am also interested in…