Results for "Africa"
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International relations, ethnic conflict, military intervention, peaceful conflict management, nuclear nonproliferation, national security.
* Primate Behavior
* Primate Ecology
* Evolution of Cooperation
* Biological Markets
* Sexual Selection
* Intersexual Conflict
* Wild Lemurs
* Captive Chimpanzees
Our team studies the connection between Earth and life through geological time; more specifically, our research elucidates the evolutionary and environmental events that have shaped ecosystems…
The focus of my research and teaching is intercultural adaptation. I have developed a suite of materials that guide students in understanding their own cultural orientations and identifying the cultural tendencies of…
- Global Health
- Academic Global Health Partnerships
- Health Systems Strengthening
- Implementation Science
- Population Health
- Social Determinants of Health
- Health interventions,…
Mathematical and computational biology; Infectious disease ecology and epidemiology; RNA evolution.
My interests span a number inter-related academic fields: 20th century military history, 20th Century foreign policy, and American political and cultural history. I am currently working on a book on the Global War…
African Arts and Diaspora visual cultures; Nigerian Art; and Yoruba forms in American Art