Results for "Australia/New Zealand"
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Women's career paths in traditionally male-dominated fields. Current research focuses on women winemakers in California and internationally.
Tony Grubesic is Professor and Associate Dean for Research in the School of Information at the University of Texas at Austin, where he also serves as the director for the Geoinformatics & Policy Analytics Lab (…
Tectonic processes, tectonic-climate interactions and geohazards of convergent margins and transitional tectonic environments
Role of catastrophism in the geologic record including impact cratering, hurricanes…
Perinatal Nursing Global Health International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) related research Interdisciplinary lactation support and community perinatal education Marginalized populations Entry to…
pediatric palliative and end of life care,psychosocial oncology, grief and loss, childhood and AYA cancer survivors, hope and resiliency, role of social work in healthcare, interprofessional teamwork
Vertebrate Paleontology. Research interests are Pleistocene and Holocene mammals with emphasis on paleo-environmental reconstructions and microevolutionary changes. Analysis of nonhuman skeletal material from…
Our team studies the connection between Earth and life through geological time; more specifically, our research elucidates the evolutionary and environmental events that have shaped ecosystems…
Risk analysis; law, ethics, human behavior