Results for "chemistry"


Synthesis of Graphene and 2D Materials for Opto-Electronics and Energy Applications

Project Lead:

Project Summary: Graphene and other 2D materials have unique properties that span from metal, semiconducting to insulator. They are ultrathin and can be grown in large area sheets that are ideal for assembling…

Biochemical studies of DNA damage, mutations, and carcinogenesis

Project Lead:

The human genome is constantly attacked by endogenous and exogenous DNA-damaging agents. The Lee group seeks to understand the effects of DNA damage on DNA replication, mutations, and cancer development using…

Computational (DFT) Studies of Organometallic Complexes (Chemistry & Computer Science)

Project Lead:

Theoretical studies on metal-containing molecules is essential to understanding their roles in catalysis, energy conversion and electronic structures. The Rose group focuses on the synthesis of novel metal-containing…

Synthesis of Heavy-Atom Based Transition Metal Catalysts (Chemistry, Inorganic, Synthetic)

Project Lead:

The selective activation of methane (CH4) by chemical catalysts (i.e. energy utilization by means other than combustion) is a widely sought after goal. The Rose group seeks to develop novel catalysts and ligand…