Results for "linguistics"
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Second language acquisition, bilingualism, psycholinguistics, French linguistics, French language
- Speech perception (stress, rhythm, metathesis, laryngeal phonation)
- Prosodic phonology (word stress, reduplication, syllable structure, acoustic features that signal higher-order phonological structure)…
Dr. Griffin studies how people express thoughts or messages in spoken utterances. Work in the Cognition and Communication Lab is particularly concerned with how messages are mapped onto words and how speakers manage…
The research in my lab--the Second Language Acquisition and Bilingualism Lab--is broadly focused on how learners acquire languages and on the consequences of bilingualism. More narrowly, we are interested in how…
Historical Linguistics
Language Contact
Mayan Languages
Writing Systems
I study how people learn second and additional languages, including how their native language affects second language learning and how second language learning affects their native language. My primary focus is on…
Sign language linguistics, articulatory phonology, sociolinguistic variation and change, psycholinguistics, cognitive linguistics, co-speech gesture, embodied cognition, bimodal bilingualism, cognitive science
Documentary and descriptive linguistics; language endangerment; grammatical analysis and theory; natural discourse and oral literature; Chatino linguistics and language preservation; Yupik-Inuit-Unangan languages and…