Results for "research abroad"
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Joseph Potter's interests lie in the areas of reproductive health, population and development, and demographic estimation. Together with Carl Schmertmann, Renato Assunção, and Suzana Cavenaghi, he has been…
Greek colonization in Sicily, South Italy, Black Sea region; issues of culture-contact; commensality and drinking practices; Archaic Greek literature and culture; field archaeology; digital humanities and digital…
16th- and 17th-Century Spanish literature and culture, especially early modern drama and Cervantes; transatlantic studies (cultural studies in Spain, Mexico, and the American Southwest); cognitive literary and…
Romantic and Sexual Behavior and Decision-Making, Marriage and Family, Measurement and Analytic Strategies, Sociology of Religion.
Elizabeth Richmond-Garza is UT Regents’ and Distinguished Teaching Associate Professor of English at UT Austin. She served as the Director of UT’s Program in Comparative Literature (2001-21) and as chief…
representations of women, birth, and disease in classical Indian medicine; Sanskrit poetry and poetics; Prakrit and Old Tamil poetry; contemporary Tamil fiction; Sanskrit medical literature; Sanskrit prognostic…
Aeroelasticity, Vertical Lift Aircraft, Experimental Aerodynamics and Structural Dynamics, Smart Structures, Micro/unmanned Aerial Vehicles.