Results for "research abroad"
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British and American modernism; the novel; drama, especially Shakespeare; international programs and faculty governance and academic freedom
Contemporary Russian youth culture; masculinity in contemporary Russia and Mexico; the Chechen wars and conscription in Russia; the vampire myth in Slavic cultures; standards-based assessment of language programs;…
Dr. Gershoff's research explores consumers’ evaluations and decisions as they relate to relying on and trusting others, brands, and products. Within this context he focuses on three major areas: 1. How do…
Political parties, elections, and voting behavior; Mexican politics; Latin American politics; research methods; comparative democratization.
I am currently Principal Investigator on the Mexico 2012 Panel Study…
Dr. Hansen's research interests include international trade and investment, regional economic integration, environmental protection, consumer protection, international economic law, judicial reform and judicial…
German literature and culture of the sixteenth through eighteenth centuries; Swiss literature; culture and contemporary Central European Studies. Current research focus on populist backlash to early modern…
Nineteenth-century British literature, Victorian anthropology and sexology, Darwin and social Darwinism, history of the Church Missionary Society, feminism in imperialism, colonial discourse studies, anglophone…
The research in Dr. Hofmann's laboratory seeks to understand the molecular and hormonal mechanisms that underlie social behavior and its evolution. Current projects focus on two main areas:
1) Identifying…