Results for "Mexico"
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Human brain research in neuroscience, psychobiology, neurocognitive enhancement, learning and memory, brain stimulation, photobiomodulation, cognitive aging, dementia, Alzheimer's disease, bipolar disorder, ADHD,…
Mesoamerican art, archaeology, and culture history; ancient Olmec, Maya, and Aztec visual culture; the relationship between art and power in ancient societies; the relationship between art and state formation
Tectonic processes, tectonic-climate interactions and geohazards of convergent margins and transitional tectonic environments
Role of catastrophism in the geologic record including impact cratering, hurricanes…
Latin American, Mexican and Latina/o embodied practices, gender and sexuality, and questions of nation, modernity and the transnational
Dr. Hansen's research interests include international trade and investment, regional economic integration, environmental protection, consumer protection, international economic law, judicial reform and judicial…
Medieval and Renaissance Spanish Literature, Comparative literature, literary theory, cultural theory, film studies
Professor Harrison's research has focused on aging into and with disabilities. Specifically, she is interested in the intersection between age related change and functional impairment and how that affects social role…
Dr. Hendrickson has focused his research on the evolution, conservation and ecology of freshwater ecosystems, particularly those of North American deserts and generally with emphasis on fishes and Mexico. His most…