Results for "Mexico"
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Mesoamerican art history, archaeology and epigraphy, with a focus on ancient Maya civilization
Colonial Spanish America, 15-18th century Spain, the Hispanic imperial world. Current projects include a monograph entitled "Purchasing Whiteness: Unofficial and Official Passing in Colonial Spanish America…
ethnoarchaeology; ethnohistory/historical anthropology; Native American prehistory and history; dynamics of culture change; power; ethnicity; gender; ceramic technology; Texas, Northern Mexico; Plains. Europe; Iberia…
Plasma Physics, especially magnetic reconnection, the macroscopic nonlinear dynamics of magnetically confined fusion plasma, and the dynamics of the scrape-off layer of fusion devices. Reduced models describing the…
Health promotion of women during pregnancy and the postpartum period; gestational weight gain
Mexican Politics and Urban Administration; Housing and Land Development in Third World Countries; Local Leadership; Poverty; Built Environment and Housing; Planning
Documentary and descriptive linguistics; language endangerment; grammatical analysis and theory; natural discourse and oral literature; Chatino linguistics and language preservation; Yupik-Inuit-Unangan languages and…
Dr. Kenneth Young does policy-relevant research that informs biodiversity conservation and sustainable development. He does this by linking biogeography and landscape ecology to questions of ecosystem dynamics and…