Results for "Center for Women's and Gender Studies"
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My interests primarily pertain to (1) college student governance and involvement (e.g., student government, student body presidency, and clubs and organizations, and (2) lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer…
politics of race and gender in the postwar U.S.; social movements; cultural studies; political consciousness in the civil rights era urban South, especially new articulations of freedom emerging from the rural-urban…
I have two main research areas --the history of German film, with a special emphasis on Weimar cinema, Nazi cinema, and DEFA cinema, and early film theory, media theory, and the history of media convergence --German…
Early modern social and cultural history, legal history, women's history
Professor Harrington teaches a seminar on Public Service Lawyering and internship courses linked to non-profit organizations, government agencies, and legislative offices. Prior to joining the faculty in 2000, she…
Professor Harrison's research has focused on aging into and with disabilities. Specifically, she is interested in the intersection between age related change and functional impairment and how that affects social role…
Representation of women in law and literature in both contemporary and historical contexts
British Romanticism 1750-1850; poetry and poetics; performance theory; creative writing - poetry; archives and collecting; modernism and cultural economics