Results for "Center for Women's and Gender Studies"
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International Medieval cultures, literatures, and histories; Medieval romance; Medieval English literature; the Crusades; Chaucer; Arthurian literature; feminist, race, and cultural theories
Continental philosophy, aesthetics, philosophy of music, philosophy of emotion, philosophy of religion, bereavement
Nineteenth-century British literature, Victorian anthropology and sexology, Darwin and social Darwinism, history of the Church Missionary Society, feminism in imperialism, colonial discourse studies, anglophone…
Families with children who have chronic illnesses; school-aged children with asthma; improving asthma management by parents and children; health promotion and risk prevention among school age and early adolescent…
Greek and Roman Literature, Sexual Diversity Studies
Dr. Jacobvitz specializes in parent-child interactions and their transmission from one generation to the next. Using data from a 7-year longitudinal study, Dr. Jacobvitz is studying the transmission of cycles of…
open innovation, public-private partnerships, data sharing, information technology, sports including esports, music industry
Impacts of technology on society, particularly the role of technology in shaping communication; societal impacts of cell phones; societal impacts of nanotechnology; the role of language and other semiotic systems in…