Results for "College of Liberal Arts"
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war and violence, psychological trauma, health and human rights and humanitarian law, the effect of the built environment on health and well-being, medical humanities, medical ethics, the doctor-patient relationship…
Dana Jalbert Stauffer specializes in political theory. Her particular research interests include the history of political thought, especially classical political thought, and women in political thought.
I am interested in Native American and Indigenous Studies; cultural anthropology; feminist anthropology; historical anthropology; Museum Studies; culture and health; cultural identities and differences; the politics…
Sustainability Studies, Environmental Sociology, Urban/Community Sociology, Globalization/Global Warming
Thomas focuses his research on the relationship between demography and social processes in four specific areas: the social incorporation of Black immigrants, racial and ethnic inequality, international migration and…
Settlement Patterns
Remote Sensing
Classic Maya
Spatial Analysis
Digital Mapping
Spatial Statistics
Geostatistical Analysis
Archaeological Excavation
Arabic, Persian, Modernism, Cold War cultures, poetry
Cognitive development, psychology of time, abstract concepts, language acquisition