Results for "College of Liberal Arts"
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American political development; the presidency; constitutional theory; political philosophy; presidential rhetoric; constitutional interpretation; the logic of political change; the meaning of political success;…
My research focuses on questions in public economics, labor economics, and political economy.
Archaeology; Texas and Mesoamerica; social systems; material culture; field methodologies; origin & demise of complex societies.
The study of material culture such as ceramic and lithic technologies,…
Gun violence prevention, contemporary American fiction, creative writing, magazine journalism
How racialized peoples and landscapes are devalued in capitalism and the abolitional possibilities of collective struggle
Linguistics; syntactic theory. Research foci: Mathematical simulations of the evolution of syntactic and semantic composition; lexicalism (HPSG, LFG); morphosyntax (case-marking, agreement, ergativity); the syntax-…
Hebrew Bible/Old Testament, Ancient Near Eastern law and religion, marriage and family relationships in antiquity, cuneiform writing