Results for "College of Natural Sciences"
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Human antibody repertoires in the context of health, infection, vaccination, or cancer.
Harmonic analysis
Our lab is interested in understanding how gene expression is regulated across a eukaryotic genome, in normal cells and in disease. Nearly all cells respond to physiological or developmental cues by large-scale…
Defining the molecular mechanisms maintaining stemness - self-renewal and pluripotency - of Embryonic stem (ES) cells, as well as induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells is of great interest for understanding early…
I am interested in the distribution and natural history of Texas reptiles and amphibians. Current projects focus on urban populations of blotched watersnakes, populations of yellow mud turtles in far west Texas, and…
Dr. Leahy research focuses on molecular mechanisms of cell signaling. As a structural biologist, he examines the processes by which proteins and other molecules behave within living systems. Such research relies on…
Molecular genetics of Arabidopsis development
Professor Lloyd is interested in plant development and cell-fate determination. His lab works at the molecular genetic, biochemical, and whole plant levels to study…
Molecular Biology
Cell Culture
Fluorescence Microscopy
Protein Expression