Results for "College of Natural Sciences"
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I study patterns of geographic variation among populations to understand evolutionary processes such as local adaptation, population divergence, and speciation. My research combines aspects of ecology, evolution,…
Dr. Dylla did his PhD work on the synthesis, characterization and catalytic applications of bimetallic nanoparticles with Profs. Walker and Eichhorn at the University of Maryland. Dr. Dylla was then as a post-…
Active learning in STEM education and tutoring
Natural Sciences: Biological sciences
I am an Ecologist interested in both basic and applied population and community ecology of both marine and terrestrial organisms. Along the population lines, I am interested in the effect that the spatial dynamics of…
Observational cosmology; radio galaxies and quasars; astronomical instrumentation
Hill is also a Project Scientist for the Hobby-Eberly Telescope Low-Resolution Spectrograph and the Prime Focus Instrument…
The Humphrey Research Group is interested in the preparation and characterization of new metal-organic framework materials based on phosphine ligands that exhibit important solid-state properties. Properties…
Organic Synthesis