Results for "College of Natural Sciences"
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Virtual Drug Screening for inhibitors of enzymes from bacterial and protozoan parasites involved in infectious diseases.
Cellular, molecular and developmental neurobiology Rapid, artificially induced regeneration of severed mammalian peripheral axons Cellular mechanisms/biochemical pathways that seal plasmalemmal damage
Genotyping, Selection, Genetics, Phenotyping, Quantitative Genetics, PCR, DNA, DNA Sequencing, Population Genetics, Genomics, Molecular Markers, Genetic Diversity, Genetic Analysis, Molecular Population Genetics,…
Dr. Davis’s research focuses on designing and disseminating nutrition, physical activity, and behavioral interventions to reduce obesity and related metabolic disorders in overweight minority children and adolescents…
Experiential Learning, Undergraduate Research, Growth Mindset
Materials Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry Organometallic Chemistry
Condensed matter theory and crystal growth; physics of materials, oxide molecular beam epitaxy, surfaces and interfaces; thin films and devices; novel materials;