Results for "College of Natural Sciences"
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Understanding the Basic Physics of Molecular and Nanoscale Electronics
Molecular and nanoscale electronics are exceptionally versatile materials due to ability to tune their electronic properties by changing…
Professor Rose's research is focused on the synthesis of new, transition metal based molecular catalysts for a new generation of energy utilization. The chemistry of energy in Prof Rose's group revolves…
Research focuses on how the environmental stimuli of light and gravity alter patterns of growth and development in plants. Molecular approaches are used to characterize proteins that are critically involved in…
Dynamical systems and Mathematical Physics, especially the topology of tiling spaces and ensembles of random graphs. I also do some research in mathematical biology, both on modeling the Covid pandemic and on…
We are interested in how primate visual systems evolved in response to selection pressures related to foraging for food, and other survival activities. To consider these issues, we observe primates in natural…
A part of the University of Texas Freshman Research Initiative, the Aptamer Stream uses oligonucleotide chemistry, in vitro selection methodology, and biochemistry to develop novel therapeutics, diagnostics, and…
Aquatic biology with an emphasis on systematics and ecology of diatoms, especially diatom evolution in the context of environmental change. Research goals are 1) to understand evolution of protists (eukaryotic…