Results for "Molecular Genetics and Microbiology"
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The main interests of this laboratory are in understanding the interactions of bacteria and their parasites, both plasmids and bacteriophages. Three major lines of research are being followed, all using…
Genomics and evolution of interactions between bacterial symbionts and their hosts. Main systems currently are sap-feeding insects and honey bees. We work with both the insects and the bacterial symbionts.
We applied experimental and computational approaches to investigate the factors contributing to the evolution of bacterial genomes and microbial communities.
Some on the projects that are currently underway in…
DNA repair and genomic stability
Paull's research is focused on the repair of DNA double-strand breaks in eukaryotic cells and the consequences of this repair on genomic stability and oncogenic…
Enteric pathogens and the expression of proteins associated with the acquisition of the essential element iron. Because there is little free iron in mammalian hosts, pathogenic bacteria must express high-affinity…
Chromatin remodeling and the establishment of the specificity of gene expression in response to hormones and stressors
Curb the susceptibility of crops to certain stressors, allowing for higher yields during…
Processing and metabolism of RNA in eukaryotes.
Dr. Steven's laboratory is interested in the structure and function of ribonucleoproteins, in particular, the small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs)…
The recent discovery of RNA interference (RNAi) and small regulatory RNAs such as siRNAs and miRNAs, has dramatically changed our understanding of the regulation of gene expression. Consequently, RNAi has generated…