Results for "Nutritional Sciences"
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Global Health; obesity; international nutrition; minerals; food security; diet quality
Dr. Gray is a developmental biologist interested in morphogenesis. Previously, he concentrated on normal morphogenesis of the embryo, including frog and zebrafish and for isolated tissues using mouse organotypic…
Professor Jolly's research area is in examining the influence of aging and diet on immune function with special emphasis on lipid metabolism and signal transduction.
Heather Leidy is an Associate Professor at the Department of Nutritional Sciences. She also has a joint appointment in the Department of Pediatrics - Dell Medical School. Dr. Leidy examines the effects of…
metabolomics, cancer metabolism, magnetic resonance spectroscopy
We are interested in how primate visual systems evolved in response to selection pressures related to foraging for food, and other survival activities. To consider these issues, we observe primates in natural…
Research interests in my laboratory focus on translational chemical biology using an innovative metabolomics-based systems biology approach for metabolic biomarker discovery. My laboratory combines i) high-throughput…