Results for "Any interested and motivated student, regardless of academic background"
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Information processing and learning in the cerebellum, including computer simulations of the cerebellum: 1) behavioral studies, reversible lesions and in vivo recordings of neural activity related to eyelid…
Patent law, immigration law, commercial litigation, civil rights
My chief research interests are persuasion, deception, and prejudice in interpersonal communication. In particular, I study the important role of language in all of these processes. My students and I have studied…
Sexual psychophysiology (vaginal photoplethysmography); sexual dysfunction; relationship satisfaction,female sexual arousal; the link between early childhood abuse and adult sexual function,
Robyn has contributed to UT with research in the following areas: An assessment of the UT food ecosystem, leadership with the student organization, Food Studies, research for the Food Challenge Prize, which she…
I am interested in studying hearing development and hearing loss in children. I use an integrative approach that includes signal processing, psychophysics, and (non-invasive) physiology to answer research questions…
Our group is focused on developing efficient optimization and control algorithms for the solution of decision-making problems arising in the decarbonization of energy systems, resilient operation and design of supply…