Results for "Any interested and motivated student, regardless of academic background"
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I am a pediatric critical care medicine physician at Dell Children's Medical Center and an assistant professor at Dell Medical School, Department of Pediatrics. My primary research interests are acute kidney injury…
I provide regular research opportunities to students as a faculty affiliate with the Innovations for Peace and Development (IPD) research lab. At IPD,…
Hebrew Bible/Old Testament, Ancient Near Eastern law and religion, marriage and family relationships in antiquity, cuneiform writing
I have interests in predominantly clinical research in areas such as transitions of care, cardiovascular disease state management, diabetes stewardship, and interdisciplinary care. I also have scholarly interests in…
Primary research interest is in the numerical solutions of partial differential systems with applications to flow in porous media, geomechanics, surface flow, and parallel computation. Her numerical work includes…
I examine issue of power and voice in K-12 education policy making and implementation processes, with a focus on public school district superintendents and school boards
I mentor students, residents, fellows, and faculty on all aspects of clinical research design and administration, including statistical analysis and manuscript preparation. My personal research interests include…
Professor Wilks recently finished Carmen in Diaspora: Adaptation, Race, and Opera's Most Famous Character (forthcoming from Oxford University Press), a cultural history of adaptations of the Carmen story set…