Results for "Seniors"
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Process geomorphology, feedbacks between channel morphology and hydrology and sediment transport, landscape sensitivity to climate and lithology, bedrock river erosion, flash floods, arroyo erosion, canyon formation…
Dr. Jowers directs two major grant projects, including the Texas Initiatives for Children’s Activity & Nutrition (I-CAN!) project, and the Walk Texas! Diabetes Prevention and Control Project. Texas I-CAN! is an…
Hebrew Bible (with particular interest in Song of Songs, Daniel, and Jonah), Second Temple Judaism, Dead Sea Scrolls, Rabbinic Judaism, Midrash, Literary Theory
Interests include racial disparities in vascular function and blood pressure responses during exercise in health and disease, and investigating the potential mechanisms for elevated cardiovascular risk in patient…
We moved from UT Austin to Cleveland Clinic. Much more opportunities are happening now. Please visit our new website. Below is the former old…
Examining the relationships between environmental exposures (microorganisms, allergens and chemicals), human health and the built environment, Microbiome of the built environment (e.g., schools, homes), Development…
My program of research concerns the meaningful engagement of students in mathematical practices and their development of increasingly more sophisticated ways of engaging in those practices. My research focuses, in…
Experimental elementary paricle physics, neutrino oscillations, neutrino-less double-beta decays, rare decays, neutrino interactions, particle detectors, neutrino beam monitoring, nuclear medical imaging, proton…