Results for "Seniors"
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As an organic biogeochemist, Dr. Liu is mainly interested in understanding the source, distribution and diagenesis of natural organic matter in the ocean. The cycling and preservation of natural organic matter are…
Adolescent and young adult problem behaviors; tobacco and e-cigarette use; vaping; risk and resilience;
Adolescent and young adult problem behavior development, and tobacco use and cessation. I have a special…
Vertebrate Paleontology. Research interests are Pleistocene and Holocene mammals with emphasis on paleo-environmental reconstructions and microevolutionary changes. Analysis of nonhuman skeletal material from…
Medical, Rehabilitive, and Surgical Robotics, Teleoperation, Haptics, and Wearable Robotics, Human-Robot Interaction, Dynamics and Control
Theoretical and computational chemical physics: Protein folding , mechanical properties of proteins, kinetics of biochemical reactions at the single molecule level, chemical dynamics, quantum rate theory, molecular…
- Nanotechnology
- Amorphous Materials
- Materials for Extreme Environments
The overarching goal of our multidisciplinary research is to develop a physically-based understanding of the…
Our research is centered on the development of low cost, efficient, durable materials for clean energy technologies to address global energy and environmental challenges. Specifically, the research is focused on new…