Results for "Students in the University Leadership Network"
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As an organic biogeochemist, Dr. Liu is mainly interested in understanding the source, distribution and diagenesis of natural organic matter in the ocean. The cycling and preservation of natural organic matter are…
Adolescent and young adult problem behaviors; tobacco and e-cigarette use; vaping; risk and resilience;
Adolescent and young adult problem behavior development, and tobacco use and cessation. I have a special…
My research investigates the interplay of mass media and public health, particularly as it relates to combating disparities.
Recent work focuses on how young adults affected by cancer can use digital media (…
Medical, Rehabilitive, and Surgical Robotics, Teleoperation, Haptics, and Wearable Robotics, Human-Robot Interaction, Dynamics and Control
structural dynamics; structural reliability; wind energy; wave energy; offshore structures; applied probability; climate change; uncertainty quantification
Our team studies the connection between Earth and life through geological time; more specifically, our research elucidates the evolutionary and environmental events that have shaped ecosystems…
Main goals of my research are (i) to better understand physical and biogeochemical processes in the marine environments, and (ii) to better delineate the responses of the environment to climate forcing, in various…