Results for "Latin America"
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Hispanic linguistics, phonetics, phonology, language and culture for professional purposes, such as Business Spanish and Portuguese. Professor Kelm's current research focuses on the creation of instruction materials…
Gregory Knapp retired in 2021, but continues to perform research on agricultural landscapes in the equatorial Andes. He is available to provide ongoing advice to students who have taken courses with him in the past (…
Physical activity and health; physical activity and built environment; physical activity assessment
Spanish and Portuguese linguistics, applied linguistics, pragmatics and discourse analysis, second language acquisition. Professor Koike's research centers on pragmatics as co-constructed in dialogue (1) between…
I am interested in the distribution and natural history of Texas reptiles and amphibians. Current projects focus on urban populations of blotched watersnakes, populations of yellow mud turtles in far west Texas, and…
Latin American Architecture and Urbanism, Dissemination of Architectural Knowledge, Informal Settlements
Dr. Leal's primary academic interest is Latino politics, and his work explores the political and policy implications of demographic change in the United States. His research primarily involves quantitative-…
Pediatric/Adolescent Dermatology
Atopic Dermatitis
Genetic skin diseases
Vascular Birthmarks
Neonatal dermatology