Results for "North America"
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Professor Jones's fields of interest include the history of the U.S. South, and the history of labor and African Americans. She is currently at work on a book on the African-American community in Boston during the…
My work critically engages with the practice of transportation planning with the goal of achieving progress towards equity and sustainability. To this end I develop innovative methods for analyzing the performance of…
Impacts of technology on society, particularly the role of technology in shaping communication; societal impacts of cell phones; societal impacts of nanotechnology; the role of language and other semiotic systems in…
Polyketide synthases
Drug discovery
Protein crystallography
Organic synthesis
New Testament and Christian Origins | Second Temple Judaism | Hellenistic Judaism | Apocalypticism | Archaeology of Religion | Roman and Byzantine Archaeology | Sacred Economics | Religion, Class, and Empire | Jewish…
My research combines ecology and computer science to address the impacts of climate change on species and ecosystems. Recent work in the lab has emphasized environmental sensing -- using small field-based computers…
We work at the interface of biological, inorganic, and materials chemistry/engineering to study protein-protein interactions and develop new catalysts and therapeutics. Specifically, we are interested in the…
We moved from UT Austin to Cleveland Clinic. Much more opportunities are happening now. Please visit our new website. Below is the former old…