Results for "media"
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Direct-to-Consumer Prescription Drug Advertising and Marketing
Health Communication
Documentary films about various topics involving American politics and history, Politics and the media, Political campaigns
Dr. Straubhaar's primary teaching, research and writing interests are in global media, international communication and cultural theory, the digital divide in the U. S. and other countries, television in Latin America…
Political communication; public opinion; media effects; news and journalism; democracy; partisanship; social media
Communication theory, research methodology and telecommunications policy, broadband, local telecommunications efforts and community networking, video game content and implications for learning
The "new urban market” (a dynamic web of industries, products, market segments, sensibilities, and cultural narratives that signal the arrival of profound shifts in how entertainment and educational media…
Dr. Wilcox is a globally-recognized expert on social media, advertising research, and branding. His opinions and work have been featured in such national and local media as CBS News, The New York Times, Los Angeles…
History of the book, bibliography, and textual criticism—especially the history of publishing and the book trade in the industrial United States and analytical bibliography of 19th-c. American writers.