Results for "media"
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The history of U.S. foreign relations, especially during the Cold War; United States since 1941; Vietnam War; decolonization.
Producing, screenwriting, documentaries
Dr. Lewis’ last book was about contemporary surveillance practices in the US. His previous work was on alternative media, especially emerging forms of cinema in Native America and elsewhere. He also runs Endofaustin.…
Health communication, health literacy, designing effective and engaging health messages.
History of science and mathematics, Einstein, historical myths in science, notions of race, political news media.
My research interests include the influence of marketing on health behaviors as well as the co-occurence of health behaviors among youth and young adults including substance use, obesity-related behaviors, caffeine,…
transmedia; the question of art's interdisciplinary character including the philosophies of communicative action, social pragmatism, and individual invention; Fluxus Emmett Williams; John Blake; works of art…
Media effects, press performance, media globalization, digital journalism, media sociology