Results for "media"
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Dr. Carleton is the Executive Director of the Center for American History. His focus is on 20th century U.S. political and news media history as well as Texas history.
Dr. Chen has focused on digital media technologies in entrepreneurial and organizational settings. Chen's research interests include the social implications of digital meda and communication technologies, social…
History of popular culture and consumerism in twentieth-century Germany and Europe, the history and politics of memory, the visual history of Germany in the twentieth century, with a specific focus upon photographic…
Multicultural aspects of advertising; the legal problems of advertising; political advertising; advertising effectiveness; the importance of integrated communications versus advertising through traditional media;…
My work is situated at the intersection of rhetorical theory and continental philosophy. I hold the Kenneth Burke Chair of Rhetoric & Critical Media Philosophy at the European Graduate School in Saas-Fee,…
Reporting/still documentary photography and video-Creative Activities-- Exhibitions, Publications and Invited Lectures on topics: Salvadoran Civil War 1980s; spread of LA gangs--Central America; urban youth violence…
Mexican Literature and Culture, Violence in Latin America, Latin American Gender and Queer Studies, Cultural Studies (film, media and the arts)
American film and media history and audience reception studies; Jack Benny; comedy history; Gaston Melies Star Film Company; silent westerns produced in San Antonio Texas; Francis Ford mystery silent films.