Results for "Anthropology"
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Impacts of technology on society, particularly the role of technology in shaping communication; societal impacts of cell phones; societal impacts of nanotechnology; the role of language and other semiotic systems in…
Anthropology and expressive culture, including music, theatre, and literature; language and culture; postcoloniality; Java and Bali (Indonesia), and Burma.
Dr. Keeler is interested in the ways that people in the…
The evolution and functional morphology of primate sensory systems, primate sensory ecology, and primate evolution; primate eye morphology and visual acuity; Eocene fossils from West Texas; psychophysical tests of…
Historical Linguistics
Language Contact
Mayan Languages
Writing Systems
Dr. Lewis’ last book was about contemporary surveillance practices in the US. His previous work was on alternative media, especially emerging forms of cinema in Native America and elsewhere. He also runs Endofaustin.…
* Primate Behavior
* Primate Ecology
* Evolution of Cooperation
* Biological Markets
* Sexual Selection
* Intersexual Conflict
* Wild Lemurs
* Captive Chimpanzees
Social anthropology; ethnicity, critical race theory, legal anthropology, history and oral traditions, US/Mexican culture; Latin America; Mexico
Socio-Cultural Theory/Psychoanalysis/Urban Studies/Gender Studies/Queer Theory/Middle East and North Africa Sofian Merabet is a socio-cultural anthropologist with an expertise in the modern Middle East and the wider…