Results for "Anthropology"
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We are interested in how primate visual systems evolved in response to selection pressures related to foraging for food, and other survival activities. To consider these issues, we observe primates in natural…
Cultural generativity, affect, ordinary life, public culture, political imaginaries, ethnographic writing, narrative, ethnopoetics, post-structuralism, U.S. popular culture, Appalachia, Las Vegas.
I am interested in Native American and Indigenous Studies; cultural anthropology; feminist anthropology; historical anthropology; Museum Studies; culture and health; cultural identities and differences; the politics…
Mesoamerican art history, archaeology and epigraphy, with a focus on ancient Maya civilization
Disciplines and Fields: Cultural Anthropology, Native American Studies, American Studies, Italian and Italian American Studies Topics: Race, Sovereignty and Citizenship, Settler Colonialism, Race, Nationalism and…
Archaeology; Texas and Mesoamerica; social systems; material culture; field methodologies; origin & demise of complex societies.
The study of material culture such as ceramic and lithic technologies,…
ethnoarchaeology; ethnohistory/historical anthropology; Native American prehistory and history; dynamics of culture change; power; ethnicity; gender; ceramic technology; Texas, Northern Mexico; Plains. Europe; Iberia…