Results for "College of Natural Sciences"
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Heather Leidy is an Associate Professor at the Department of Nutritional Sciences. She also has a joint appointment in the Department of Pediatrics - Dell Medical School. Dr. Leidy examines the effects of…
Li group uses various laser spectroscopy to study new materials. Recent examples of materials investigated include thin layers that are just one atom or one unit cell thick. These materials can be prepared by just…
- Biophysics or Structural Biology
- Materials Science
- Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
- Structural Biology and Biophysics
- Chemical Biology
- Physical Chemistry
The major thrust of Dr. Liu's research lies at the crossroads of chemistry and biology. The Ben Liu Group is currently working on three general areas with the focus aimed at the elucidation of the mechanisms of novel…
metabolomics, cancer metabolism, magnetic resonance spectroscopy
Lorenzo-Blanco’s research investigates how issues related to culture, ethnicity, gender, family, and media come together to influence the health and well-being of Latina/o youth and families in the U.S. and Latin…
My research investigates the interplay of mass media and public health, particularly as it relates to combating disparities.
Recent work focuses on how young adults affected by cancer can use digital media (…
Vertebrate Paleontology. Research interests are Pleistocene and Holocene mammals with emphasis on paleo-environmental reconstructions and microevolutionary changes. Analysis of nonhuman skeletal material from…