Results for "College of Pharmacy"
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I am a decision scientist and health policy researcher who studies how efficiency and equity in health can be improved globally. My main area of research involves (1) understanding the health, economic, and social…
Dr. Brown's research interests primarily involve understanding cultural and social elements that may impact both quality of care and therapeutic outcomes of patients with chronic illnesses, particularly ethnic…
Laura Cannon is a Clinical Assistant Professor at College of Pharmacy - Pharmacy Practice Division and an Oncology Clinical Pharmacist at Dell Medical School Livestrong Cancer Institutes.
DeMorrow’s research program broadly focuses on the neurological changes associated with either acute liver failure or chronic liver disorders. These alterations range from changes in neuropeptide hormone expression…
For Spring 2020-2021, the focus of our research is to develop a software analyses program that will automate tabulation and categorization of ultrasonic vocalization (USV) data. USVs have been used as a direct…
The Ekker lab uses zebrafish in vivo and human cells in vitro to develop new molecular DNA editing tools to understand our genome and for new therapeutics with a focus on rare disease. Ekker is leading the…
Our current projects are in the areas of infectious disease, cancer, and cardiovascular / pulmonary health. We are guided by a broad curiosity about how enzymes work and how we can manipulate their functions. In most…