Results for "LBJ School of Public Affairs"
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Dr. Benjamin D. Leibowicz is an Assistant Professor in the Graduate Program in Operations Research and Industrial Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin. The program is part of the Department of Mechanical…
Dr. Luby's research broadly focuses on public finance with an emphasis in public financial management. Much of his research has focused on the municipal securities market and the use of debt finance by state and…
Grand Strategy, US Foreign Policy, National Security, Intelligence, South Asia, War in Afghanistan, Just War, Ethics and International Affairs, Religious Freedom
International relations; European security; military doctrine; International security
Innovation outcomes of government provided big data
The organizational impacts of interactive and mobile technologies
Cyber security
Olmstead is the health economist on several large grants funded by the National Institutes of Health in the area of behavioral health. Current research projects include estimating the cost-effectiveness of:
Environmental externalities associated with unconventional oil and gas development in the United States, information disclosure and regulatory avoidance under the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act, water marketing in the…
Dr. Osborne's teaching and research interests are in the areas of social policy, poverty and inequality, family and child well-being, family demography, and school entry among disadvantaged children.