Results for "LBJ School of Public Affairs"
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Nonprofit and Community Leadership
Criminal and Juvenile Justice
Positive Youth Development
Mental Health
Documentary films about various topics involving American politics and history, Politics and the media, Political campaigns
Dr. Stolp's research focuses on western hemispheric economic integration, regional economics, and public sector productivity.
Professor Stolp chaired a state task force in the early 1990s on the impacts of the…
The formation and spread of nation-states; the emergence of modern international relations; the connections between foreign policy and domestic politics; the rise of knowledge institutions as global actors.
Mathematical Education and Policy
Education; Obesity; Banking; and Fraud
Mexican Politics and Urban Administration; Housing and Land Development in Third World Countries; Local Leadership; Poverty; Built Environment and Housing; Planning
* Global Governance * International Monetary Fund * World Bank * Economics * Globalization and International Affairs International Development Foreign Aid Data for Development * International Relations